Carbon Footprint

Carbon Footprint

The challenge we are facing is enormous:

  • 12,572 metric tons of carbon per year* we are directly and indirectly emitting as an organization

  • 12,572 metric tons of carbon per year that our ESG Strategy aims to neutralize

* based on 2021 consumption for electricity, natural gas and heating oil


We will reach that milestone by systematically …

  • substituting energy intense applications with energy efficient ones (for example switch to LED lighting),
  • building renewable energy systems (for example PV systems)
  • and as a last step, offset those emissions we cannot reduce out of own motion.



  • Become carbon neutral according to international targets

  • Install LED lighting at 99% of workshops


Renewable Energy

We are looking into several solar energy projects simultaneously as we see the value of renewable energy in accordance with our electrification strategy


Energy Efficiency

We are systematically assessing our top energy consumers and looking into alternatives that are more energy efficient


Concept "The Green Branch of the Future"

TIP Group green branch


Every aspect of a workshop (building infrastructure, energy supply, processes, appliances, etc.) will get optimized according to ESG principles and put on paper as a blue print every existing and future TIP workshop has to measure against


Scope 3 Carbon Emissions

We are working on ways to assess Scope 3 carbon emissions within our industry from well-to-wheel by utilizing our strong relationship with original equipment manufacturers and new data analyzing capabilities provided by TIP Insight.