

Data is without a doubt the biggest challenge when it gets to turning our sustainability ambition into a success story. We have implemented an ESG reporting tool that will help us to collect non-financial data, analyze this data and report it to our stakeholders.



  • Comply with 100% of all ESG data requests


We support the United Nations Global Compact ten principles promoting human rights, labour standard, environmental responsibility and anti-corruption.

We are committed to making the UN Global Compact principles part of our strategy, culture value and the day-to-day operations of our company.

Committing to the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) ESG framework will help us to structure our data reporting in a state of the art way and remain focused on our material subjects.

We are putting full emphasis on this program because we do understand upcoming EU laws like the EU Taxonomy or the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) will reshape our economy and we want to go well-prepared into this process.

Furthermore, we are supporting our customers and partners in their reporting requirements.


Illustration of our state of the art reporting approach:

Sustainability report TIP Group