ESG Strategy

ESG Strategy

The corner stone of this program is the execution of our ESG Strategy "for Generations to Come - Paving the road to sustainability" based on an extensive materiality assessment we have completed together with multiple stakeholders of TIP.



  • Adopt and monitor ESG Strategy

  • Comply with GRI framework

  • Include and recurringly update ESG risks in TIP risk matrix

  • Reinforce ESG governance framework

  • Support realization of ESG projects

  • Establish ESG network within and beyond our industry


ESG Advocacy & Network

Cooperations will enable us to truly transform our industry. As the founder and member of the European Transportation Board (ETB) we are striving to share insights and solutions that solve transportation issues which transcend country borders and individual needs.

ETB Priorities:

  • Carrying out the mandatory annual technical inspection (PTI) of Trailers, in the Country of physical presence, regardless of the Country of registration in the EU

  • ETB to influence the deployment of a single data model for TPMS

  • Approval of configuration of two trailers behind a truck, connected with a Dolly

ESG Risk Management

Our changing business environment comes along with risks and we have to incorporate these risks into our corporate risk matrix. We have to ensure that we understand what risk we are posing to our surroundings and how risks in our surroundings are affecting us.

ESG Governance

The responsibility for implementing our ESG Strategy is with the Chief Operating Officer (COO) and the ESG/EHS Director of TIP in direct reporting line.

In 2021, an ESG Committee composed of the Executive Management Team and the ESG/EHS Director was established. The purpose of the ESG Committee is to regularly discuss TIP’s progress along its sustainability journey.

Governance at TIP has always been an essential function and we want to live up to this standard with regards to sustainability. New policies and procedures on sustainability enshrine our sustainability ambition into our day-by-day actions.


ESG Vision TIP Group