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Elevate fleet sustainability with cost-effective refurbishment
Knowledge Article

Elevate fleet sustainability with cost-effective refurbishment

One simple yet efficient initiative that minimizes the environmental impact of transport and logistics services, is to refurbish and give the trailers a second life, which at the same time gives operators a cost-effective alternative proposition to expensive trailer replacement. In today’s competitive global marketplace, industry is faced with a double-edged dilemma. Firstly, new product supply is scarce, with long lead times currently running into 2024. At the same time, the damaging effects of global warming on the environment are now seriously high on everyone’s agenda.
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Customized and flexible leasing solutions which drive agility
Knowledge Article

Customized and flexible leasing solutions which drive agility

Your business is unique, so are your needs. To achieve greater productivity, decide which leasing solution best fits your business needs, and build your own customized contract.
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Low-emission Temperature Controlled transportation
Knowledge Article

Low-emission Temperature Controlled transportation

A new way of powering the reefer engine can make temperature control in trailers carbon free. Keeping products at the right temperature is increasingly important. The current diesel-powered solution is not meeting the sustainability goals the mobility sector aspires. A new concept with an electric Transport Refrigeration Unit (TRU) that is battery-powered has the potential to decrease emission with 99%(1) and is worth exploring.
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Telematics for trailers; how to get started
Knowledge Article

Telematics for trailers; how to get started

A trailer is no longer just a box on wheels. It is a digital asset, a “smart trailer” with trailer telematics. If you want to connect with the future of logistics, here’s how can you get started with trailer telematics.
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Save money on trailer tyre management
Knowledge Article

Save money on trailer tyre management

New technologies allow us to continuously monitor tyre pressure, temperature, and position through sensors. Read more about how Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) can help you save money, increase safety and have a long-term positive impact on the environment.
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Fremdrivning af innovation inden for transport og logistik
Knowledge Article

Fremdrivning af innovation inden for transport og logistik

At udvikle omkostningseffektive transport- og logistiksystemer er en forudsætning for vækst og profit. I takt med at den elektroniske handel fortsætter med at ændre markedet og den måde, virksomhederne driver deres forretning på, opstår der også nye muligheder for transport- og logistiksektoren
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Vil du følge udviklingen i lastbil platooning?
Knowledge Article

Vil du følge udviklingen i lastbil platooning?

Lastbil platooning refererer til en gruppe lastbiler, der rejser i konvoj, automatisk og sikkert og på kort afstand fra hinanden. Ved at anvende state-of-the-art innovativ teknologi, kan de kommunikere med hinanden for at rejse i sync med lederen af konvojen, der optræder som leder.
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TIP Group fejrer 55 års jubilæum!

TIP Group fejrer 55 års jubilæum!

TIP Group is celebrating 55 years of delivering equipment solutions tailored to evolving customers’ needs.
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