Trailer Service og Reparation

Trailer Service og Reparation

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"Med specialiserede og certificerede teknikere og veludstyrede værksteder i Europa og Nordamerika tilbyder TIP trailer reparation og trailer service i topklasse. "

Vi har vedligeholdt trailere i mere end 50 år, hvilket giver os omfattende ekspertise i at levere reparation og service i topklasse.

Reparation og service af sættevogn, lastbil trailer, semi trailer eller andet udstyr udføres af kvalificerede teknikere, og dette uanset om de udføres i et af TIP’s mange europæiske værksteder eller på stedet via TIP’s stadigt voksende flåde af servicevogne.

    Elevate fleet sustainability with cost-effective refurbishment
    Knowledge Article

    Elevate fleet sustainability with cost-effective refurbishment

    One simple yet efficient initiative that minimizes the environmental impact of transport and logistics services, is to refurbish and give the trailers a second life, which at the same time gives operators a cost-effective alternative proposition to expensive trailer replacement. In today’s competitive global marketplace, industry is faced with a double-edged dilemma. Firstly, new product supply is scarce, with long lead times currently running into 2024. At the same time, the damaging effects of global warming on the environment are now seriously high on everyone’s agenda.
    Learn more
    Customized and flexible leasing solutions which drive agility
    Knowledge Article

    Customized and flexible leasing solutions which drive agility

    Your business is unique, so are your needs. To achieve greater productivity, decide which leasing solution best fits your business needs, and build your own customized contract.
    Learn more